Wakeup now

Wake up from the trance of your mind!

Wake up from the trance of your mind into the non-dual presence of being and your perspective of seeing the world changes.


Life from the mind is based on clinging, evaluating,

prejudices, "likes and dislikes" and self-suggestion.

Self-suggestion is the repetition of beliefs and beliefs from the

past that create the same situations over and over again.


Everything that is unpleasant the mind wants to get rid of and everything that is pleasant wants to keep. It is living in the polarity

of wanting and resisting, a torn life that breeds unrest and drives.


Wake up, live in the present moment and quiet peace, unconditional love and absolute freedom are the essences that are revealed.

You can choose the inner path to awakening into your true self in the present moment.

This is an intense exploration of your conditioned mind and the realization of who you really are.

Minimum duration of the inner path: 1 year

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