The Power of Oneness Feeling

change the perception of your life!

Autor/ Spiritual Mentor/ Yoga & Tantra Teacher


Oneness Feeling - Meditation - Self Enquiry - Cosmic Law

"Only when we are aware of what we really are,

can we see what REALLY is!"


We experience the aliveness of everything that is,
to be one in heart intelligence.

We realize that our real lives are not
takes place in the mind, but directly what is felt
Experience in the present moment is.

The Heart Intelligence and the Cosmic Order guide
intuitively our lives.

We experience the fullness of being and becoming  in our limitless self

The depth of your consciousness determines the quality of your life!

"The discovery of this dimension of non-dual consciousness in human being is of extraordinary importance. It is the next step in the evolution of humanity." Eckhart Tolle